The period is on! For me personally, I hated going on a vacation and knowing that my period will say ‘hi’ during those days. It definitely was a thing that hindered me from booking any trip and I felt so “I can’t do that trip while having my period” AF. I mean who loves to […]
How to take amazing photos of yourself when traveling solo?
Welcome back to my blog! So amazing that you’ve found the way to storiesoutofthesuitcase and even more proud of you being interested in solo travel, babe! Many of you have asked me recently how I take gorgeous pictures of myself when traveling all alone. And yes, solo traveling and great pictures are a perfect combo. […]
7 simple tips to have a great time eating out alone while traveling.
Hey babe! Trying local food is always the best: tacos in México, pizza in Italy, street food in Thailand. So eating out alone will definitely be a highlight of your solo journey around the world. On my own solo trips I absolutely don’t want to miss those yummy pleasures and they always motivate me to […]
10 ultimate tips to stay safe as solo female traveller.
Happy to let you know about my most recommended safety tips for any solo travel! As you might know love, I am always very optimistic when it comes to solo female travel and I’m living proof. Some might call me naive, I would name it a wild and free lifestyle. However, a solo trip gets […]
5 amazing ideas to workout while traveling.
Hey babe! It is so important to treat you well while traveling, keep attention to your body and health, and keep you fit in general. Personally, I love doing sports. Most often it is my way to clear my mind as the positive emotions and calmness I feel after a workout are just priceless. I […]