Hey travel lovely, this new blog post will definitely open your eyes and mind simultaneously! It’ll help keeping your motivation and excitement up for your own solo travel plans! Never ever let yourself and your dreams down! Especially, when there are people around you who can’t understand you, deny your plans, criticize, or even blame […]
Body positivity: How to feel more confident in your own body when traveling alone?
It’s time for a new special post on here! And it’s time to talk body positivity. Since I’ve researched my new travels using social media a lot, the ‘gram and Pinterest, I couldn’t resist watching beautiful reels and feed posts with gorgeous women in iconic dresses and in sexy bikinis. They all looked so perfect […]
5 inspiring travel stories by powerful women traveling the world alone.
Welcome back to my solo female travel blog! Today, it’s time for 5 powerful and ambitious women who will share their personal travel story with you! They once made the first big leap and started traveling just by themselves, whether it was to Iceland or South America. Since back then they just love it and […]
10 great techniques to boost your confidence as a solo female traveller.
Hey travel queen, happy to have you back on here! Today’s post will be all about boosting your feminine power, i.e. your confidence while traveling solo. And this is true, being confident and feeling those vibes rising definitely comes with behaving differently and more relaxed towards challenges , problems, and difficult people. Being in full […]
7 self-limiting beliefs I successfully overcame through solo travel.
Welcome back to the solo female travel blog, travel lovely! In this post I will elaborate on my previous solo travels and how I overcame several self-limiting beliefs that would have wanted me to cancel every solo trip I was planning! I got often asked, have you ever been so confident in traveling solo? Have […]